Saturday, November 20, 2010

10 ThingS Ought To Know About Me

Dear Friends & Foes,

I'm Back! Thanks for keep on following me in my blog.
Due to an U N E X P E C T E D reason, I've finally make a very tough decision to move my blog and start all over again here.
Well, I guess it's better for me to Re-introduce Myself again (What? Not interested to know a?Oiks... give face a bit la k!!....) For those who are 1st time to get know me, I would like to say .....WELCOME to MY LIFE!! Cheerss~
Okay, Let's start.....

1. My name is Helen, and I'm the member of Chai's family.

2. My principle of living is "Respect me 1st if you want to gain my respect". Do not betrayed me if you dont want to be betrayed. I hate to being cheated and been treated like an idiot.

3. I like sunset, especially the sunset at the beach.

4. I like design but design is not my major.

5. My passion of travelling will never changed. It is the only way to motivate me to work harder, live happier.

6. My family is very important to me. I Love my Mum, My Dad, My sis. They are the one and only for me. Will do everything as long as they are happy for it. Will never ever allowed anyone to hurt them. But if they do get hurt, i will make sure those hurt them to get the same fate too. The conclusion is, I love my family and they are Inreplaceable.

7. I like to take pictures and I like to being taken as well. Recently was addicted to DSLR. Still saving for it and hopefully can get it by next year. My favourite scenery is the beauty of nature. It could be sky, raindrops, grass, trees, birds, and anything that is belong to this earth la~~

8. I like to make friend. But somehow you will find, a few among them are just a friendshit to you. It's getting harder to find a true friendship, therefore, please appreciated the people around you that have cheers your life. And I would like to take this opportunities to thanks those who ever hurt me, scolded me, backstab me, and insulted me. Without your "great effort", I won't become stronger and better. Without you, I will never knew there are more others optional that are awaits for me to choose. So, i do sincerely thanks all of you. Hope you are satisfied of what you have done to me and you will always happy for that. And I don't mind if you are just fooling me or hurting me,because after all, I'm the one who getting better and not you. So, welcome if you like me, and fuck off if you hate me. I don't give a damn or begging you to leave your footprints in my life.

For all my friends, my besties, my buddies, thanks for coming to my life and thanks for being by my side whenever I need it. I'm appreciated everyone of you and it is really my pleasure to knowing each of you.

9. PheWww~~Well, I'm out of things to write.

10. Perhaps, there are only 9 things that you ought to know about me. So, that is all for now.

To be continue, soON

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes! Get those 10 things Ought to know u !!!


❤My Little Corner

ThrouGh the Lens, I Show... ThrouGh the wOrds, I sHare...